quarterly significant sales – q3. 2022
denver & boulder, colorado
3631 Eldorado Springs Drive // $6,600,000 // Tim Goodacre // Represented Buyer
140 South Glencoe Street // $5,850,000 // Myra Skinner // Represented Buyer
3800 Spring Valley Road // $5,400,000 // Tim Goodacre // Represented Seller
816-818 25th Street // $4,850,000 // Heidi Cox // Represented Buyer
3033 4th Street // $4,500,000 // Tama Heinrichs + Shannon Andrews // Represented Seller
8771 West Phillips Drive // $4,250,000 // Tim Goodacre // Represented Seller
870 St Paul Street // $3,980,000 // Courtney Ranson // Represented Buyer
2303 Bluff Street // $3,425,000 // John McElveen // Represented Seller
23 South Lane // $3,300,000 // Rachel Gallegos + Carmelo Paglialunga // Represented Seller
2034 Pearl Street #202 // $3,285,000 // Michael Hughes + Anne Wells // Represented Seller
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